Professor Amnon Frenkel
Regional Planning & Technological Innovation

Amnon Frenkel is Professor in Urban and Regional Planning at the Faculty of Architecture and Town planning, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. He served as Vice Dean for Research and Graduate Studies at the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Israel Institute of Technology (2013-2017). Previously, he served as the chair of the Graduate Program for Urban and Regional Planning at the Faculty (2004-2013).
He is a senior research fellow at the Center for Urban and Regional Studies and member of the board at the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning and a senior research fellow at the Samuel Neaman Institute for National Policy Research.
Professor Frenkel holds B.A. in Social Science form Haifa University, M.Sc. and D.Sc. in Urban and Regional Planning from the Technion. He served as the President of the Israeli Section of the Regional Science Association International and member of the European Regional Science Association Council. Professor Frenkel is the representative of the Technion at the Israel National Planning and Building Board.
Research Focus:
Regional and metropolitan planning
Measuring urban sprawl and identifying its spatial dynamic; Strategic Planning
investigating the land use pattern of urban settlements and the effect of growth management policy on land consumption.
Regional Aspect of Technology Diffusion; Technology Transfer; Innovation Ecosystems